SPC guidelines
As an SPC, you oversee the professional experience at the placement school or setting. This includes placement coordination and support, induction of the PST during the pre-placement visit, and submitting claim forms for payment. These duties are explained more fully in the sections below. In schools or services in which there is no SPC, these tasks should be undertaken by the supervising teacher.
Before placement
Before placements commence, the SPC should:
- Advise the University of teachers eligible to supervise PSTs.
- Negotiate the availability of places for professional experience.
- Liaise with the University to establish placement dates.
- Ensure effective planning, communication, and monitoring processes are in place for all PSTs and their supervising teachers.
The pre-placement visit
In the pre-placement visit, you will induct the PST into the placement program and ensure PSTs understand their role and the school or service’s context, priorities, strategic focus and procedures. The PST will also meet the supervising teacher. The PST will contact the school or service to schedule the pre-placement visit, which should occur no later than the week before the placement commences.
You should prepare an induction package to help welcome the PST to the school or service. The contents of this package will vary from setting to setting, but may include:
- Staff photographs, names and contact details
- Map of the school or service
- School or service ethos
- Class guide with any of the fundamental ideas/strategies that inform teaching and learning; consider including documents such as ‘High Impact Teaching Strategies’ as applicable
- Emergency response and medical information
- Information regarding the use of photocopiers, access to learning management systems and key apps
- Timetable
- Attendance, staff dress code and key policies.
When you meet with the PST, you should:
- Work through the induction package that you have prepared and highlight key documents and procedures, including the child safety policy
- Discuss the school or service’s specific teaching strategies and priorities
- Discuss the school or service’s ethos, values, and goals
- Outline IT processes including how the PST will access the server/internet and relevant software; printing and photocopying procedures; and how students use IT in the school or service, e.g., policies such as ‘Bring Your Own Device’
- Introduce the PST to relevant management policies and procedures
- Tell the PST the expected hours of attendance and what to do if they are late or absent.
During the placement, you will provide broad support and guidance for the placement experience. This includes:
- Ensuring that PSTs and supervising teachers understand their roles and responsibilities
- Ensuring supervising teachers understand what PSTs do on placement and how and when placement is assessed
- Holding regular meetings with PSTs to discuss their development within the school or service
- Liaising with University staff members about all professional experience matters
- Providing overall support for PSTs and their supervising teachers
- Providing opportunities for PSTs to become actively involved in the broader school or service and extracurricular program.
Receiving payment
Organising payment is simple. Just complete and submit a Supervision Claim form [PDF 433 KB]. If your school or service is taking La Trobe University PSTs for the first time or the school banking details have changed, you will also need to complete the Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) form [PDF 603KB].
If you are a NSW Supervising Teacher please complete the Direct Payment Request form [PDF 599KB] so you can be paid directly as per the NSW Department of Education’s requirement.
On the final day of the placement, submit the form(s) via email to education.placements@latrobe.edu.au.
Getting help
If you require additional support from us during the placement, or if the PST is at risk of failing the placement, please initiate the additional support process, outlined in the Help for partners section.